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Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer


If ever you ended up injured in a car accident or by another person's actions, it's likely that you are advised to seek the help of a personal injury lawyer. In most cases, it is highly beneficial for you to have a lawyer who will handle your legal case. The following are some of the best reasons why you should hire a personal injury lawyer:


They know personal injury law.

This might sound too obvious but a lot of people think that these lawyers at just know about how to be a lawyer and lawyers only collect money. That is just not true. It doesn't follow that just because you have been injured you are entitled to receive full compensation for all your injuries. There are a few states that consider contributory negligence which means if you have contributed in a slight manner to the car accident you won't be entitled to any compensation. There are some states that recognize comparative negligence in which you are at least allowed to receive some type of compensation for your injuries. Of course this depends on your level of involvement in a car accident.


One other part of personal injury law is determining the personal injury claims that a person could be entitled to. There are many possible claims and non-lawyers don't really think about it.


They know the insurance law.

This particular knowledge can make a huge difference. Most of the time the insurance adjuster won't tell you some things such as there may be some ways under the state law that can help you claim more. For instance there are states that allow stacking of insurance policies in specific situations. This only means that you should be able to receive more compensation than what he or she tells you.


They know approximate values of injuries.

Experienced lawyers at have been handling multiple cases in the past. They also know what particular injuries are worth. They know the factors that may increase or decrease the amount of compensation you're entitled to claim. Because of the personal injury lawyer's experience, the insurance adjusters and other lawyers cannot misrepresent the value of a compensation claim.


They go to court for you.

Insurance adjusters know that if a case is brought to court, the insurance they represent may be able to pay more than what they are willing to pay. When you have a personal injury lawyer, the insurance adjuster will be more truthful and realistic in what they offer as compensation for your injuries.

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